Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Running in the rain

I've always loved the feeling of running with the rain falling on my head. The danger of the lightning coupled with the removal of the sun (it is my sworn enemy after all) is the perfect environment to rack up the miles in preparation for any event, including the short triathlon I will be participating in this coming weekend.

The following weekend will be my first Olympic distance event. I've had a couple of weeks of intense training followed by a couple of weeks of mediocre training followed by a couple more really good weeks, so hopefully it will allow me to finish fairly pain free. That is really my only goal. Not very lofty, but I'm ok with that. It could be argued that putting in the $60+ just to participate should give me a little bit more motivation, but I'm sure that money will be the last thing on my mind during the 10k run.


That's all it will be.