Thursday, September 6, 2007

You may have noticed...

At least two (of my two?) readers noticed I have not been posting anything lately. Mostly, this is due to my lack of things to say about the current state of affairs. But, there are other factors as well.

1. The weather has just made me want to curl into a ball and fall asleep most of the time. The heat was just overbearing most of the month and finally this past week made me sick with all the pollen that has evinced itself from the earth during this fairly long dry spell in Evansville.

2. I have been spending a lot of time reading about the Bears upcoming season at various places. The one advantage of this was the fact that I was able to view two of their preseason games and not have to rely on the crap talking heads analysis of the games. I saw for myself the performance Rex Grossman had against the 49ers. I'm still very concerned about him leading the Bears, but I don't much care at this point. I just want to watch some football. If he sucks, I'm sure the coaches will make the right decision. I doubt Griese will be that much better, but it's possible. I could write a lot about the upcoming season, but I just don't care to in this space.

3. Even though it's been fairly hot, I've been spending a lot of my free time playing frisbee golf and developing new friendships with a few friends that throw plastic with me. I try to get out to play at least once or twice a weekend and once during the week. I'm considering playing this evening.

4. The puppy takes a lot of free time as well. I'll post a pic here at some point, but she's just full of piss and vinegar (and she used to just be full of vinegar). At lunch time I can't blog because I have to feed myself and her and then make sure she goes to the bathroom since we have crate-trained her. That has provided me with the excuse to lay on the hammock for about 10-15 minutes before going back to work, suffering the bland existence that is my cube maze office.

5. Marriage is going great, but since that's the case Rebecca and I spend a lot of time together. I'd much rather hang out in the living room with her, than sit in the office and write my usual swill.

6. I've recently been relegated to "the friend with cable" of my buddy Scott, so he comes over on Sundays to watch the IRL race. Subsequently, I'm sort of into it now. We actually went to a race over in Kentucky a few weekends back. That was a good time, even though the race kind of sucked, especially since Dario screwed up royally. Once again, I could write a lot about that, but it'd just be whining and moaning and that's just annoying, like, say, a dog begging for food. And you just say "" to that.

7. Rollerblading is fun.

8. Working out sucks, but is fun (unless you're sick from the stupid pollen, in which case sleeping is much more fun).

9. Financial analysis is a necessity, especially when the money flow becomes irregular (e.g. the summer before a full time teacher becomes a full time teacher), so I've been running numbers quite a bit, just for sport. It probably adds stress to my life, but that's ok. Better to have a long term plan and stress now, than no plan and stress later!

Ok, that's what I've been up to. My apologies for not keeping up. I'll try harder. I promise.

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