Thursday, May 17, 2007


We all do things at the last minute at some time or another. It's a part of time management, you sacrifice this/that/the other in order to accomplish something else or, as per usual, to do something completely unnecessary, like playing frisbee golf...again.

This weekend, prior to my folks visiting for Mother's Day, I finally, after at least six months, changed the light bulbs in our bedroom and in the hallway upstairs. I can't believe how long we just "lived with" the inconvenience of not being able to turn on the hallway light and not seeing as well in the bedroom (the light in there had two bulbs, only one of which was defunct).

How does one get out of this rut? I'm having real trouble just getting things done lately. I'm much more interested in having fun, playing sports, etc. At least I stopped playing so much Playstation 2, so, I guess there's always that.

All the productivity web sites say to make lists. I can't stand doing that. I get discouraged when I don't get all the things done. It makes me angry. I probably ought to start meditating or something, maybe that would calm my blood pressure.

Any thoughts?

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