Wednesday, April 25, 2007

High Fructose Corn Syrup

I drank a regular (i.e. non-diet) beverage yesterday for the first time in about 10 months. Regular Sierra Mist. They had $0.25 cans from the vending machine. I'm not sure if there was a celebration or what, but I thought, "Ok, I'll have one, it's only a quarter". I literally could only finish 2/3 of the can. I can't believe when I was a kid I used to drink this stuff like there was no tomorrow.

Ever since I started working out and doing cardio activity pretty much every day I pretty much only drink water, milk, and protein shakes. It's really amazing how much better I've been feeling. I even quit drinking coffee so I wasn't "on edge" as much.

All these stimulants that these fast few joints are serving just boggles my mind. Then, on occasion I'll see an ad for Advil PM or whatever other sleep aid they're pushing these days and think to myself, "Or you could just quit drinking so much caffeine late in the afternoon mixed with large amounts of sugar". I'm not going to deny that insomnia exists, but there are certainly people who have trouble sleeping because their diet sucks.

Do you know how difficult it is to find bread without high fructose corn syrup? You should check out the ingredients of the different types of bread at the grocery store. It's ridiculous.

On a slightly related topic, I've always wanted to start a healthy fast food restaurant. You know, a place that makes all their bread, has a garden out back or buys from local co-ops, and makes salads that aren't 1200 calories. Wouldn't that be something? I really need to look into doing this. It would sweep the nation. Hippies from every large city would swarm. Only problem is the place would smell like patchouli in about 2 weeks...

It's not that I'm shallow about having to see obese people eat, it's that I'm genuinely concerned for the health of the nation. Plus, I'm concerned about my health insurance premiums going through the roof due to it all.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Block and I were discussing this just last evening. Restaurants do not want to post up caloric content as it will reveal how many calories are really in the stuff. Vegan dishes are not necessarily lower in calories and "healthy" is subjective. OK, eating a stick of butter is not healthy, but one cannot hope to cover the extremes. Use of common sense for your particular lifestyle choice should be considered key. Beyond that it is all about choice and how you do choose how to exercise it. Why does Weight Watchers not have restaurants? Because no one going in there wants to be seen and be considered fat! Exercise in public, diet in private. Anyway, I consumed 1,400 calories yesterday and 400 calories as of 3:41pm EST today.

mikebdot said...

Just to clarify, there would be meat at the establishment, but it would be cooked on separate grills so it could even be considered Kosher. We'd have to hire someone to anoint the place, but I think that might be worth it in the right cities.

If Weight Watcher's had a restaurant, people would go. I guarantee it. I think it would force people to get over their fears of being judged by other people. They could even make it part of the program. A psychological breakthrough portion of the program. Seriously though, I think people would go. I know for a fact we would.

Esther said...

we have them, they are called Moes and Qdoba and Great Harvest--so far none smell like patchouli.

Esther said...

we have them, they are called Moe's, Q'doba, and Great harvest---so far no unpleasant odors--love of spicy/mexican style helps though.

Esther said...

oi, it doesn't go to a different page--oh well, it needed to be said twice.